The Ballroom is not just a place for dance - it is a place for courtesy, chivalry, wit and romance. Often a Ballroom will have a theme or era in which visitors may dress or roleplay for. Camelot Gardens has a hint of the Medieval, Avilion is something of a Elven Middle Earth SIM, Frank's Place for elegant Jazz, Casablanca captures the movie theme. While there are many serious roleplay SIMs which demand costumes to suit, nothing quite like the ballroom invites elgant dress-ups combined with non-combative intimacy - no clans and combats, this is one-on-one moving of minds and hearts together.
Franks's Place is often mentioned as the quintessential ballroom. It has style, a broad theme (named after Frank Sinatra), a hint of formality with staff for greeting and welcoming, a lovely ballroom and side areas for sitting to chat, even faux dining. In some ways though, it is a victim of its own popularity, I visited at 11:20pm Monday (SLT) and there were more than 45 Avatars causing considerable lag, making it difficult to enjoy the experience for some time.... and of course it is a classy place - you must have a premium Avatar and stylish, top-dollar attire to be taken seriously there... that's fair enough to.
The Ballroom - quite apart from the dancing - is quite a beautiful place to escape and enjoy, especially with that special someone!
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