Saturday, January 15, 2011

the Enchanted Forest of Chakryn

This was a place I found in the darkest recesses of an older Avatar's Landmark Inventory folder... and landed to take a peek, wandering around and finding... a sculpture of a sleeping nude Giantess Goddess in a clearing!!

 Freon sits beside the glorious sleeping Goddess "grand odalisque"
Maybe Gloop's foot fetish draws him here?

A beautiful, atmospheric forest/stream/lake SIM, this deserves an explore around, but at high graphics settings it does demand patience. There are many sparkly animations and rays of sunlight! What added to the appeal was the amazing sculpture and interesting characters that caught my attention.

Not long after visiting, I spotted a Blue Gloopman, a bit impish and odd with an all blue coloured Avatar, hovering around the Goddess Sculpture. I found from several sources that he has a foot-fetish and imposes himself on all female Avatars rudely, asking if he can stick his long nose between their toes, following them around and persisting in IM, to the point where they feel stalked and must mute him - he'd been a regular problem in the forest. I hope I was able to discourage him firmly enough so he doesn't spoil the visits of future travelers - while I was polite and firm he was rude and abusive, but left the SIM and has not troubled others since!

It was the Seelie Fae, Tpaa, who gave me an insight into the vibe of Chakryn, and even the meaning of the sculpture "grand odalisque" - at peace and with her ear to the Earth. Showing me around to the most beautiful places, the friendly Fae, though sadly dismissive of we "Hoomans" and our shoes and ways, responded profoundly to my humility (yes I took of my shoes and socks) and inquiries and taught me about the peace of the land and her role as tree guardian, and the history of the Fae race.

I saw others enjoying the peace and serenity of the forest, and took a quick snaps of other beautiful Avatars.
A lovely time of exploration, chatting and dealing with a funny nuisance, as well as finding some photoshoot inspiration!


  1. Take Tpaa's advice and give up the shoes. You don't need them. I haven't worn shoes in SL since meeting Tpaa and her sisters. Odd that I ran across this though. Proof that SL is a small world for all it's vastness.

  2. Thanks for your advice, for reading my blog post, and for commenting so thoughtfully!

  3. ...but of course I still respect the talented shoe-boot and footwear makers of SL and those who are happy to use these add-ons for their Avatar's fashion.
