Sunday, January 9, 2011

favourite beautiful places in Second Life

Reflecting on three years in Second Life, I have to say that two places stand out as "beautiful", and relaxing, even romantic. There are many other places I visit, but these are the ones I keep returning to, as they are nice to chill at, and exquisite as photo locations.

Japan Tempura Island ( is a SIM that glows with serenity. The streaming music is designed for relaxation and a chillout ambience, and while it is orientally themed, it is quite universally romantic too, I can hear Enya's "May It Be" now, alongside Kitaro and Loreena McKennitt, such an eclectic blend of beautiful and serene music.

The Autumn-hued forest (pictured) is lovely in it's golden-red leaf tints, there are areas for TiaChi and meditation, and impressively huge ballroom hall, and forest and cave areas to explore that allow for solitude or a quiet spot to share intimacy with that Significant Other.

Camelot Gardens ( is the other location that springs to mind is one that goes right back to my earliest days in Second Life, and while it has changed location since then it remains a beautiful favourite place, not just for it's luscious waterfall (nice as a photo backdrop), but also the spacious ballroom area and romantic Castle. Many lovely locations to walk around and Cottages to rent make this a great place to take that special friend, to meet at a table or couch.

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