Yasmina at the Chakryn Forest
Yasmina is herself a stunning, artistic Second Life image editor/creator - and uses free photo/art software! When I saw her amazing work here (http://www.flickr.com/photos/yasminazem/page1/), I felt I shouldn't try to take her photo, but she encouraged me to try, and said she'd be interested in the result! We agreed to stay friends, and I hope to learn more of her amazing artistic style and techniques for using such programs as GIMP, Twisted Brush, Paint.Net, Photoscape, Photofiltre to create such amazing effects and artwork! Look at her photos! They look like the work of a Photoshop expert!!
After taking a few snaps I agreed to share them with her and expressed the hope that I might learn some of her editing techniques. Like a true artist she advised me to just play and experiment and develop my own style - very similar to Rockwell's advice about real life photography - and I guess that's the key - find something you think is beautiful and interesting and do your best to let your photography capture these scenes. I think I have a long way to go!
It did make me wonder - does anyone need Adobe Photoshop? There are a lot of free programs out there - the GIMP may be hard to get to know, but already I have found "Twisted Brush" an easy, fun program play with! I'm fortunate enough to have access to Adobe CS4 and CS5 as part of my work, but there are alternatives.
If you are interested - try these programs!