One of those things that make me laugh... in SL, is the "Random Friendship Request" - and by that I mean, being offered "friendship" by an Avatar that you have not "met" in the normal sense of the word, not seen, exchanged words with in Local or Private IM, acknowledged, interacted with in any way.
Once I even encountered an Italian guy(?) who had, in his profile, a broken-English ramble that included "no random friendship request" - yet I still got one from him! Yes, he offered me friendship, without ANY word of conversation. Why? I certainly asked him why, but got garbled responses and sub-English-literacy justifications then abuse.
/me shrugs.
It's happened a little more frequently lately, especially following some generous act of helping someone. Other Avatars will RFR me expecting the same, I guess, and to me it seems a bit concerning. The level of respect for the term "friendship" is devalued very quickly - I guess I regard SL friendship as a "contacts list" - when people want to be your friend one second after seeing you and only with the aim of getting something from you. When I express my concern over the RFR, the response is not positive, so I breathe a sigh of relief that I didn't accept. :-)
Beware the RFR - tread cautiously too, when you clean up your contacts list of those who do nothing for you or you haven't spoken to for ages. I've had drama from those who say "why did you do this, take me off your list!" - when I was silly enough to add them after.... their RFRs!!!